Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation


Council of Europe: translation

Intergovernmental organization. Established in the wake of World War II, the Council of Europe was created to promote reconciliation between the various peoples of Europe and prevent the vicious nationalism that characterized earlier periods of history. Founded by Western European governments, most of which wereNorth Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO) members, the organization focused onhuman rights, democracy promotion, and the rule of law.As such, the council emerged as a keen critic of the actions of the Soviet Union and the various regimes of theEastern Blocduring theCold Warfor their treatment ofethnic minoritiesand religious groups. Such criticisms were integral to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and its allies subscribing to the Helsinki Accords in 1975, which committed the regimes to respect of human rights and dignity.
Beginning in 1989, the council was reinvigorated by the political shift as the Iron Curtain fell across East-Central Europe. As part of their larger project of European integration, the post-totalitarian regimes of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet republics began to actively seek admission to the organization. With the spread ofethnic violencein theCaucasus,Moldova, and other parts of the former USSR, the council became an important player in publicizing minority issues and resolving conflicts. Russia joined the organization on 28 February 1996, after promising to end the death penalty (although a number of executions took place after that date). Russia’s membership, however, has been criticized as diluting the overall mission of the council since the country, as a permanent member of theUnited NationsSecurity Council, is not beholden to any external political influences and frequently flouts Europeans norms, particularly in relation to its conduct inChechnya.

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  4. council of europeCEСовет Европы СЕ...Англо-русский терминологический словарь МИД России
  5. council of europeорг. сокр. CoE COE пол.u Совет Европы межправительственная политическая организация созданная в г. деятельность Совета Европы охватывает следующие сферы права человека с...Англо-русский экономический словарь
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