Historical Dictionary of the Russian Federation


Asymmetrical federalism: translation

Growing out of the so-called parade of sovereignties of the last years ofMikhailGorbachev’s rule, the push for local control of resources and policies among Russia’s various regional divisions reached fever pitch in the midst of thedissolution of the Soviet Union. Hoping to win allies among the regionalnomenklatura>, Russian presidentBoris Yeltsinfamously urged republican leaders to “take all the sovereignty you can swallow” in Kazan on 5 August 1990. Reflecting this approach, the Russian Federation subsequently embraced a system of asymmetrical federalism that granted differing amounts of autonomy to its variousfederal subjects.In the case of theethnic republics, local authorities enjoyed immense freedom from central control, including control overtaxrevenues, the right to implement constitutions, and the ability to designate officiallanguagesin addition toRussian; less autonomy was granted to thekraisandoblasts.Tatarstan, which issued its own passports and attempted to conduct independentforeign relations, represented the extreme example of this system of governance. Upon coming to power,Vladimir Putinpublicly declared his intention to reduce the level of asymmetry in the federation, reduce the power of the republican leadership, and harmonize laws across the country. Putin used the tragic events surroundingBeslanto push through reforms that partially accomplished these goals.
See alsoElectoral reforms of 2004–2005; Federation treaty of 1992.

  1. asymmetrical federalismпол. ассиметричный федерализм федеральная система правления при которой власть в неравной степени распределена между провинциями часть которых имеет большую ответственнос...Англо-русский экономический словарь