Historical Dictionary of the Netherlands


Huguenots: translation

Term of abuse—of uncertain origin—used by Roman Catholics to designate French Calvinists in the 16th century. In 1598, Protestants were granted toleration in certain regions by a royal decree, the Edict of Nantes. Beginning with the reign of King Louis XIV in the mid-17th century, however, the persecution of Protestants intensified and, in 1685, the Edict of Nantes was revoked. French Calvinists quickly fled abroad to Germany, England, and the Dutch Republic. Many of them, such as philosopher Pierre Bayle and theologian Pierre Jurieu (1637–1713), cherished a hope of their return from the “refuge” to France.

  1. huguenotsHuguenots translation Huguenots An extensive history of this French Protestant tradition dd Catholic Encyclopedia.Kevin Knight Huguenots Huguenots Catholic_Encycloped...Catholic encyclopedia
  2. huguenotsHuguenots translation Protestantism came to France immediately after its emergence in neighboring Germany and Switzerland. When strong opposition arose two of the leading...Encyclopedia of Protestantism