Historical Dictionary of the Netherlands


Educator and historian. Born in Nor den (Eastern Frisia, Germany), Emmius attended the universities of Rostock and Geneva, where he was taught by the Calvinist theologian Theodore Beza (1519–1605). In 1579, he was appointed rector of the school in Norden; in 1588, he moved to Leer, Germany. In 1595, Emmius was invited by the new Calvinist authorities to or ganize higher education in the city of Groningen. When a univer sitywas founded in Groningen in 1614, the aged Emmius became its first professor and rector. He published an extensive Rerum Frisi carum historia (1596, reprinted several times until 1616); his corre spondence (Briefwechsel des Ubbo Emmius) was edited in 1911 and 1923 by Hajo Brugmans.
See also Historiography.