Historical Dictionary of the Netherlands


Prince Bernhard studied law and became associated in 1936 with the I. G. Farben firm in Paris. In 1937, he married Juliana, the Dutch crown princess, daughter of Queen Wilhelmina. Bernhard pursued a career in the Dutch Army. After the Germaninvasion of the Nether lands in May 1940 during World War II, the royal family went in exile to England and Canada. During the last phase of the war, the prince was appointed commander in chief of the Dutch Army, which participated with the Allied forces in the liberation of the Nether lands. After the war, Bernhard became inspector of the Dutch armed forces. The prince was active in many social, economic, and cultural functions, such as the Bilderberg conferences and the World Wildlife Fund. He became involved in the Lockheed corruption affair (1975–1976) from which the government concluded the prince had not acted in accordance with national interests.