Historical Dictionary of the Kurds


Soran: translation

Soran was a declining Kurdishemiratein what is now northernIraq, when it experienced a brief revival early in the 19th century. Under Mir Muhammad Pasha of Rawanduz or Soran (called Miri Kor, or the blindmir, because of an affliction of the eyes), the emirate of Soran ruthlessly conquered much of what is now northern Iraq after 1814, only to be extinguished by theOttomansin 1834. These events involved much intrigue between the Ottomans,Persians,Great Britain, andRussia. Miri Kor was finally invited to Istanbul and given many honors, but he mysteriously disappeared on his way back to Kurdistan. His brother Rasul became governor of Rawanduz until thewali, or Ottoman governor, of Baghdad expelled him in 1847.

  1. şofrans.m. bot. шафран т. de ofran шафрановыйde culoarea ofranului шафранного цвета....Румынско-русский словарь
  2. so'ra'nsrnstrong Yanalif срнstrong Кириллица сущ. этн.конные на сабантуе зов клич с приглашением на конные скачки srn salra громкогласно звать на конные состязания перен.к...Татарско-русский словарь Кашаева