Historical Dictionary of the Kurds


Baban: translation

This Kurdishemirateplayed an important role in what is now northernIraqfrom roughly 1550 until its final demise in 1850. According to theSharafnamaofSharaf Khan Bitlisi, the first chief and eponymous founder of the Baban line was Pir Budak Babe, but his line was soon extinguished. A line claiming a legendary descent from Keghan, a Frank woman captured in battle, then succeeded. Baba Sulayman emerged in 1677 and over the years was followed by 17 additional Babanmirsor pashas.
Although it pursued an opportunistic strategy, for most of the time Baban was nominally subject to theOttoman Empire. Its rulingmirreceived the high Turkish title of pasha early in the 17th century many decades before it was given to others in his position. Qara Cholan was Baban's capital until it was moved toSulaymaniyain 1785. The emirate ofArdalanin what is nowIranwas its longtime rival. Abdullah Pasha, the last Babanmir, was deposed in 1850.

  1. babannm. pl. od ребенок младенец малютка...Валлийско-русский словарь