Historical Dictionary of the fashion industry


Metrosexual: translation

A word coined by Mark Simpson, in a 1994 British magazine article,metrosexualdescribes an urban male with a strong esthetic sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle, whether gay or straight.

  1. metrosexualmetrosexual translation n.An urban male with a strong aesthetic sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and lifestyle. metrosexualitystrong nem....Dictionary of new words
  2. metrosexual. прил. от metropolitan sexuality метросексуальный metrosexual man метросексуальный мужчина метросексуал противоположность мачо поклонник всего изящного прекрасного заб...Англо-русский словарь общей лексики