Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans


LATTES: translation

The location of a probable Etruscan community from the end of the sixth century BC within an indigenous settlement near Montpelier in the south of France. Etruscan inscriptions (one perhaps referring to an Etruscan woman), bucchero, Etruscan coarse wares, bronze basins, and Etruscan transport amphorae (as many as 85 percent of the total) have been found here. The town may have been a new foundation on a regular plan in about 500 BC, drawing on population from the nearby Mauguio lakeside, perhaps responding to pressure from Greek Marseille. One sixth-century BC burial in an Etruscan amphora nearby has a strong Etruscan character, including also a bronze basin, a strigel, and an antennae sword.
See also TRADE.