Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans


ANINA: translation

A relatively undistinguished descent group of the Tarquinia area, best known for a Tarquinia tomb (Monterozzi 153) founded by Arnth Anina that was in use from the fourth to the first century BC. The tomb is distinguished for Charun and Vanth figures at the door and a series of sarcophagi, and inscriptions which show marrying into the descent group from the cities of Chiusi, Perugia, and Volterra.

  1. aninaanin I. vt. . вешатьповесить подвешиватьподвеситьзацеплять зацепить прикреплятьприкрепить. . fig. вывешатьвывеситьвешатьповесить. II. vr. l. зацеплятьсязацепитьсяприцепл...Румынско-русский словарь