Historical dictionary of shamanism


Pomo: translation

An indigenous people of California. Greg Sarris has written both biographical and fictionalized accounts of the life and work of traditionaldoctorssuch as Mabel McKay. He describes theirhealingpractices (e.g.,sucking), reliance ondreamsandotherworldhelpers, combatwith “poisoners” orsorcerers, initiatory illnesses, visions, and use of songs and othermusic. As elsewhere, it is clear that doctors and sorcerers use similar methods but seek different ends. Sarris also discusses the importance of basket weaving and usage in Pomo and neighboringNative Americanpeoples’cosmologiesand shamanic practices. McKay treated her baskets, including those displayed in museums, asother-than-human personsorobject-personsin their own right.

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