Historical dictionary of shamanism


Mongolia: translation

Mongolia is a landlockedCentral Asiancountry of grassland, mountains, and desert that today is bordered by Russia to the north andChinato the south. In the 13th century, a confederation of nomadic, shamanistic tribes was united as the Mongol Empire by Chinggis (Genghis) Khan. His successor, Kublai Khan, madeBuddhismthe new religion of his empire, but Buddhism waned with the decline of the Mongol Empire. In the 16th century, Altan Khan, a distant descendant of Chinggis Khan, adopted “Yellow Hat”TibetanBuddhism as the religion of the Mongols and bestowed the title of “Dalai Lama” on the Tibetan spiritual leader. Lamaist missionaries institutionalized Buddhism into Mongolia by the 17th century, persecuting shamans as they did so (terming Buddhism the “yellow faith” and shamanism the “black faith”), to the extent that Buddhism persisted through Communism and is the state religion of Mongolia today.Nonetheless, it is clear that many features of Mongolian Buddhism absorbed shamanistic practices. An important early work on the black faith of the Mongols was written by theBuryatMongol scholar Dorji Banzarov (1846).
The territory of the Mongols was split into Inner Mongolia, controlled by the Chinese, and Outer Mongolia, which became a Soviet republic. In the Mongolian S.S.R., as in the rest of the Soviet Union, religious activities were repressed, and both shamanism and Lamaism were brutally suppressed. During the second half of the 20th century, Walter Hessig published several important works on Mongol shamanism, whileVilmos Diószegiconducted much-needed ethnographic fieldwork on the state of shamanism in the 1960s. In post-Soviet times, as in other parts of Central Asia, there has been a revival of shamanism, and an official organization entitled the Mongolian Shamans’ Association has been established. One of the most important studies on Mongolian shamanism, byCarolineHumphrey(with Daur MongolUrgunge Onon),Shamans and Elders(1996), details historical and near-contemporary Mongolian shamans and their practices and roles. Humphrey and Onon argue for an approach to Mongolian shamanism not as a singular or even coherent “religion,” distinct from daily life, but as historically and socially constituted, comprising different types of knowledge and experience and recalling discussions of newanimism.

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