Historical Dictionary of Scandinavian Literature and Theater


A Norwegian poet, novelist, playwright, and journalist, Grieg first published a volume of poetry,Rundt Kap det gode Haab(1922; Around the Cape of Good Hope), which was followed by a novel,Skibet gaar videre(1924; tr.The Ship Sails On, 1927). Both were inspired by a period of work as a sailor in the merchant marine. Grieg's first drama,Barrabas(1927), dealt with the question of whether pacifism or armed resistance when attacked is more conducive to world peace. An extended stay in the Soviet Union put its mark on the playVår ære og var makt(1935; tr.Our Honor and Our Glory, 1971), which discusseswarprofiteering in the shipping industry. This drama is particularly interesting because of Grieg's use of techniques borrowed from film. The playNederlaget(1937; The Defeat) has the Paris Commune of 1871 as its setting but strongly alludes to the Spanish Civil War.