Historical dictionary of sacred music


Matins: translation

The major hour of thedivine officeof the Roman Catholic rite sung after midnight. It is the longest and most elaborate of all the hours. Thechantingbegins with theversicleDeus in adjutorium, followed by the invitatory (psalmverse), followed by Psalm 95 with itsproper antiphon, and then ahymn.
Next follow three nocturnes of responses and readings. Each nocturne consists of three psalms with proper antiphons, then three lessons— one Biblical, one patristic, one homiletic—each followed by a greatresponsory. The third nocturne is followed by thecanticleTe Deumlaudamus, another versicle, prayer, and the concluding versicleBenedicamus Domino.
On ferial days, the matins service is reduced to one nocturne.
Seealso Gregorian Chant; Orthrōs; Vespers.

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