Historical dictionary of sacred music


Doxology: translation

Christian formula of divine praise. The are many examples in both the Old and New Testaments. The most familiar ones for musical contexts include the "greater doxology," which is the Gloria of the Roman Catholicmass, and the "lesser doxology" adapted from St. Matthew’s Gospel 28: 19 that concludes thechantingof everypsalmand theDeus in adjutoriumin thedivine office.
In theByzantinetradition, which does not use the terms "greater" and "lesser," a doxology is heard many times in thedivine liturgy(mass): at the beginning, after thehymnHo Monogenēs Huios, thelitany, theCheroubikon, the anaphora, and the Lord’s Prayer. In Protestant churches, the doxology may refer to a self-contained hymn that offers divine praise such as "Praise God from whom all blessings flow." Single hymn verses, usually the last of a set, often invoking the Trinity, may also be doxological.See also TE DEUM.DRUM. Drums play in the sacred musics of Hinduism, Buddhism, the Chinese religions, shamanism, many African religions, and the religions of American Indians. They generally do not play in the most traditional sacred musics of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, although they have appeared in Christiangospelmusic,praise choruses, and other types based on popular idioms of the 20th century, and in Muslim lands drums have escorted prominent personages on their pilgrimages to Mecca (atabl al-hajj, "pilgrim’s drum"), and have accompanied sacred dance in Sufism.
The Hindu god Siva is often identified in iconography with the {}damaru, a drum shaped like an hour-glass which he plays to accompany his dancing. In music, drumming is an essential component of traditional Karnatic and Hindustani music, almost all of which has religious connotations if not strictly liturgical, since the drum articulates tempo and thetalā, the fundamental rhythmic pattern of the song.A barrel drum held horizontally and played with both hands, themrdangam, produces a variety of sounds by combining different hand strokes (full hand, half hand, forefinger, etc.) with qualities of damping with the other hand. Another important drum is the Hindustani {}tablā, which has a small wooden barrel drum on the right side and a small kettledrum on the left.
"Sounding the drum of the Dharma" is an expression for the proclamation of Buddhist teaching. In Buddhist ritual, drums may date from the time of the Buddha himself (died c. 480 B. C.) and drum notation dates from the mid-eighth century A. D. The type of drum played varies widely with the particular sect or caste of the player. The music played ranges from auspicious beat patterns to five-fold offerings of praise to the accompaniment of singing, dancing, and meditation.
In Tibet, Bon ceremonies require the drum (mga). In China, drums participate in the system ofpa yin("eight sounds"), by which the materials the drums are made of coordinate with seasons of the year and points of the compass. In practice they play in the orchestra for Confucian ceremonial music (ya-yüeh). In Indonesia, frame drums may accompany poems praising Muhammad, especially theBurdaand theMawlīd. In the shamanism of Inner Mongolia and North Asia, the drum is considered to be a living spirit that aids the shaman in motivating other spirits or in transporting him on spiritual journeys to the other worlds. It may even be the object of life-cycle rituals, such as birth and death ceremonies.
Africa owns a vast diversity of religious drumming. In some tribes, drumming and sacred rituals may be so closely wedded that they share the same word, or in others, drumming may have no role in worship whatsoever. Drums may stay on the periphery of ritual, or take center stage as spirits as in shamanist traditions. They come in every size and shape. The well-known "talking drums" of the Ewe and Yoruba may transmit prayers and messages to the spirit world. Drums may also symbolize concepts of sacral leadership in some traditions, and as such may not even be played. On the other hand, there is a great deal of music for drums alone, often used to summon the spirits.
Ritual drumming of American Indians parallels that of Asian shamans in many respects and accompanies almost all sacred song. A simple frame drum beaten with one stick is often used. Thepeyote songsof the Native American Church, however, employ a drum containing water, which allows tuning and creates a characteristic reverberation caused by the water flowing inside.
See alsoDhikr; Instruments, Use of; Tibetan Chant.

  1. doxologyDoxology translation Any form or verse in which glory is ascribed to God or the Blessed Trinity for example the Gloria in Excelsisem which is called the greater Doxology ...American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  2. doxologyDoxology translation Doxology The doxology in the form in which we know it has been used since about the seventh century all over Western Christendom except in one corne...Catholic encyclopedia
  3. doxologyA hymn or verse in Christian liturgy glorifying God...Crosswordopener
  4. doxologyDoxology translationAn ascription of glory to the Holy Trinity.In the Liturgy of St. Basil the celebrant recites the Gloria in Excelsis the Angelic Hymn or what the weste...Dictionary of church terms
  5. doxologydoxology translation Literally a short verse praising God doxologies may be traced to the New Testament and became part of the Roman Catholic liturgy from whence they pas...Encyclopedia of Protestantism
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  14. doxology[dksld] n церк. славословие. рождественская молитва...Новый большой англо-русский словарь
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  16. doxologydksld n церк. . славословие . рождественская молитва...Новый большой англо-русский словарь под общим руководством акад. Ю.Д. Апресяна