Historical dictionary of sacred music


Bibilographic and General
■ A Bibliography of Discographies. 3 vols. New York: R. R. Bowker, 1977–1983.
■ Schwann Opus. Santa Fe, N. M.: Stereophile, 1991–2001.
Specific Discographies Including Sacred Music
■ Barnett, Elise B. A Discography of the Art Music of India. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Society for Ethnomusicology, 1975.
■ Blyth, Alan, ed. Choral Music on Record. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
■ Bodman, Ellen-Fairbanks, and Lorrain Sakata. The World of Islam, Images and Echoes: A Critical Guide to Films and Recordings.New York: American Council of Learned Societies, 1980.
■ Croucher, Trevor. Early Music Discography: From Plainsong to the Sons of Bach. Phoenix, Az.: Oryx Press, 1981.
■ Day, Timothy. A Discography of Tudor Church Music. London: British Library Association, 1989.
■ Dols, Nancy, et al. Musics of the World: A Selective Discography. 4 vols. Los Angeles: Ethnomusicology Archive, UCLA Music Library, 1977.
■ Faw, Marc Taylor. A Verdi Discography. Norman, Okla.: Pilgrim Books, 1982.
■ Gombert, Greg. A Guide to Native American Music Recording. Fort Collins, Colo: Multi Cultural Publishing, 1994.
■ Graham, Ronnie. The Da Capo Guide to Contemporary African Music. New York: Da Capo Press, 1988.
■ Kinnear, Michael S. A Discography of Hindustani and Karnatic Music. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1985.
■ Kratzenstein, Marilou and Jerald Hamilton. Four Centuries of Organ Music: From the Robertsbridge Codex Through the Baroque Era: An Annotated Discography. Detroit: Information Coordinators, 1984.
■ Lovallo, Lee T. Anton Bruckner: A Discography. Berkeley, Calif.: Fallen Leaf Press, 1991.
■ Maguire, Marsha. A List of Long-Playing Recordings of Sacred Harp and other Shape Note Singing. Washington, D. C.: Library of Congress, Archive of Folk Song, 1979.
■ Minegishi, Yuki. A Discography of Japanese Music. Tokyo: Japan Foundation, 1980.
■ Parsons, Charles H. A Benjamin Britten Discography. Lewsiton, Me.: E. Mellen Press, 1990.
■ Tinnell, Roger D. An Annotated Discography of Music in Spain Before 1650. Madison, Wis.: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1980.
■ Turner, Patricia. Afro-American Singers: An Index and Preliminary Discography of Long-Playing Recordings of Opera, Choral Music, and Song. Minneapolis, Minn.: Challenge, 1977.
■ Weber, Jerome F. Benjamin Britten. Utica, N. Y.: J. F. Weber, 1975.
■ ———. A Gregorian Chant Discography. 2 Vols. Utica, N. Y.: J. F. Weber, 1990.
■ Westerlund, Gunnar, and Eric Hughes. Music of Claudio Monteverdi: A Discography. London: British Institute of Recorded Sound, 1972.