Historical dictionary of sacred music


Ayin: translation

Islamic ritual dance associated with the Sufi order of Mevlevi, founded by Jalāl al-dīn Rūmī (1207–1273) and now centered in Konya, Turkey. The roughly 100 survivingayincompositions date from the 16th century, although the earliest musical notation is 18th century. Qu’rānic recitations frame an address to the Prophet (na’t),instrumental preludes, four Turkish songs (selam) on texts by Rumi, and an instrumentalpostlude. Traditional instruments include end-blown flutes,drum, and in some areas types of lute and fiddle.
See alsoDhikr; Kirtana; Madīh; Qīra; Sama.

  1. ayinКульт обряд ритуал церемония....Азербайджанcко-русский словарь
  2. âyinбогослужение с религиозный обряд ритуалyini Cem уст.u богослужение в обителях дервишей Бекташи и Мевлеви...Турецко-русский словарь