Historical Dictionary of Renaissance


Urban VI: translation

(pope, 1378-1389)
Bartolomeo Prignano, archbishop of Bari, was electedpopeby a badly divided college of cardinals sub-ject (to an extent that remains debatable) to the pressure of a mob of Roman citizens who feared that if the large French majority among the cardinals chose another French pope, the papacy would move back toAvignon, where it had resided from 1309 to 1377. Although a clear majority of the cardinals voted for Prignano and attended his enthronement, his behavior in the months following his election, es-pecially his treatment of the cardinals, was so arrogant and arbitrary, perhaps even demented, that the French majority turned against him. The French cardinals leftRomeand reassembled outside Urban's reach, charging that his election had been invalid because of pressure by the mob. They then elected one of their own number, who took the nameClement VII. The French pope did return to Avignon, while Urban remained in control of Rome. This disputed election marks the beginning of theWestern Schism, during which two and even three rival popes competed for the support of the Christian community.

  1. urban viUrban VI translation Urban VI Pope Urban VI Catholic_Encyclopediau Pope Urban VI Bartolomeo Prignano the first Roman pope during the Western Schism born at Naples abo...Catholic encyclopedia