Historical Dictionary of Renaissance


Castilian royal secretary and poet. Al-though sometimes associated with the beginnings ofhumanistculture in Spain, he is more properly regarded as an influence on the rise of a national literature. He studied at Córdoba, Salamanca, andRomeand developed an interest inclassicalliterature reflected in his translation of theIliadinto Castilian verse. King Juan II and the royal favorite Al-varo de Luna were his patrons. His poetry used traditional Castilian meter rather than new forms borrowed from Italy. He developed an in-flated poetic diction, much admired in his day, that was remote from everyday speech, using complex syntax and a vocabulary in which Castilian words were arbitrarily assigned meanings identical to that of their Latin source. His poetry is full of allegory and subjects derived from classical mythology. His most famous poem wasLaberinto de la fortuna/The Labyrinth of Fortune, a didactic allegory in which the past and present of Castile are presented as if in a prophecy.

  1. mena, juan deMena Juan de Spanish poet born at Cordova died at Torrelaguna dd Catholic Encyclopedia.Kevin Knight...Catholic encyclopedia