Historical Dictionary of Renaissance


(ca. 1284-1344)
Italian artist, trained at Siena byDucciobut active also inNaples, Assisi, and the papal court atAvignon. Unlike his Florentine contemporaries, who were domi-nated by the influence ofGiotto, he continued to paint in the elegant courtly style known as International Gothic. His best-known works are his small panel paintingThe Road to Calvaryand his delicate and aristocratic tempera painting of the Virgin Mary,The Annunciation, a work probably done at Avignon and clearly influenced by French Gothic painting. He was aware of the new Renaissance literary cul-ture represented byPetrarch, for another of his works is the fron-tispiece done for Petrarch's own manuscript of Vergil'sAeneid, and he is mentioned in two of Petrarch's poems.

  1. martini, simoneMartini Simone Sienese painter born in Siena died either in the same place or at Avignon in or dd Catholic Encyclopedia.Kevin Knight...Catholic encyclopedia
  2. martini, simoneactive One of the most important pupils of Ducciostrong instrumental in the development of the International Stylestrong. Simone Martini is known to have assisted his ma...Dictionary of Renaissance art