Historical Dictionary of Renaissance


French poet, son of a poet who wrote in the medievalrhétoriqueurstyle. Clément was early attracted tohumanismand the evangelical religious style of his patron,Margaret of Navarre. About 1527 he abandoned traditional medieval verse forms and rhetorical practices and developed a simple but ele-gant poetic style that influenced subsequent French poetry. He was suspected of sympathy for Lutheran religious ideas and was arrested in 1526 on charges of breaking the Lenten fast and again in 1527 but was released on orders of Margaret's brother, KingFrancis I.With the encouragement of Margaret he made metrical translations of the Psalms. After the scandalous Affair of the Placards (1534), in which posters denouncing the Catholic mass as idolatrous were posted in and around the royal court, he sought safety from the ensuing repres-sion by withdrawing first to the kingdom of Navarre and then toFer-rara, where the king's cousin Renée de France was duchess and a sympathizer withMartin Luther. At Ferrara he came under the in-fluence of Italian poets, includingPetrarchandPietro Bembo.
In 1536 Marot abjured his doctrinal errors and returned to France. In 1538 he published hisOeuvres/Works, including several of his metrical Psalms, and in 1541 added several new translations and ded-icated the expanded edition to the king. In 1543 the Paris faculty of theology condemned hisCinquante Psaumes de David/Fifty Psalms of David, but the condemnation did not prevent their frequent repub-lication. Eventually they were adopted for use by many congrega-tions of the emerging Protestant movement. Late in 1542 he fled the country again, perhaps because the humanist printerEtienne Dolethad published his early allegorical satireL'Enfer/Hell. He lived for two years in Geneva and then moved to Savoy. He died suddenly at Turin in 1544. In addition to producing what are probably the first sonnets written in French, influencing the metrical structure of later French poetry, and publishing collections of poems organized by genre (an innovation in his time), in 1526 he edited the famous 13th-century French poemRomance of the Rose.

  1. marot, clementClement Marot court poet for Francois I of France was an innovative witty and prolific poet author and translator who commemorated myriad historical events and provided s...Renaissance and Reformation 1500-1620_ A Biographical Dictionary