Historical Dictionary of Renaissance


Gama, Vasco da: translation

(ca. 1469-1524)
Portuguese explorer, the commander chosen to lead the expedition of 1497-1499 that reached the port of Calicut in India in May 1498 and thus completed Portugal's search for a route to India by way of South Africa. He was a member of an influential aristocratic family. The fact that he rather than the more obscureBartolomeu Diasreceived the command of the fleet suggests that he had considerable maritime experience, though it is possible that his preferment arose solely from his social rank. Upon his triumphant return home in 1499, he was given many honors, including membership on the royal council, designation as admiral of India, and the rare and extremely exalted rank of count. He also led the fourth Portuguese expedition to India in 1502-1503 and made a third trip in 1524 as viceroy of India, but he died there on Christmas Eve of the same year.

  1. gama, vasco daGama Vasco da translation Gama Vasco da The discover of the sea route to East Indies born at Sines Province of Alemtejo Portugal about died at Cochin India December d...Catholic encyclopedia