Historical Dictionary of modern Italy


Born in Bistagno, near Alessandria in Piedmont, Giuseppe Saracco had a distinguished political career that spanned the entire period from the Risorgimentoto the Giolittian age. He entered the Piedmontese Parliament in 1849 and served as a minister on many occasions under all the leading figures of liberal Italy. In 1898, he became president of the Senate, of which he had been a member since 1865. As Christopher Seton Watson has written of him, Saracco “had twice accepted cabinet office from Francesco Crispi without damaging a reputation for integrity, common sense, and financial wisdom.” After the policy of savage repression of the Milanese working class imposed by General Luigi Girolamo Pelloux caused a constitutional crisis, Saracco was asked to head a government of national reconciliation in June 1900. His government lasted just six months, though his tenure of office was spoiled by the assassination of King Humbert I in July. Saracco’s government fortunately did not panic and did not resort to repressive measures. The prime minister’s calm and good sense undoubtedly defused a situation that might have been explosive. Saracco was obstructing Giovanni Giolitti’s return to the power, however, and in February 1901 a heterogeneous group of conservatives, Giolittians, and socialists brought down his government. Saracco died in his native Piedmont in January 1907.
See alsoMonarchy.