Historical Dictionary of modern Italy


Born in Vercelli in Piedmont, Giuseppe Pella’s early political experience was as a Podesta (a Fascist equivalent of an appointed mayor). Pella came to the Democrazia Cristiana/Christian Democracy Party (DC) by way of Azione Cattolica Italiana/Catholic Action (ACI). As a cautious economist first elected to Parliamentin 1946, he acquired policy experience by serving as chair of the Finance Committee, became deputy minister of finance, and, within a year, was minister of finance, serving also as minister of the treasury and budget. In this role, he implemented tight controls on public spending that were controversial both within the DC and without but stabilized the economy and lay the groundwork for the economic miracle. In August 1953, he became premier and also held the foreign affairs and budget portfolios. Pella was chairman of the parliamentary assembly of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) from December 1954 to November 1956. Even after leaving these responsibilities, he served again in the cabinet of Adone Zoli (1957–1958) as vice premier in charge of foreign affairs. Subsequently, he served in governments headed by Antonio Segni (1959–1960) and Amintore Fanfani (1960–1962) at budget and finance. He died in Rome in 1981.