Historical Dictionary of London


One of the twenty-six wards of the City to the west of the Walbrook on the bank of the Thames, extending north to Cordwainer Ward, and bounded on the east by Dowgate Ward and on the west by Queenhithe Ward.
First mention:1285 (Cal. L. Bk. A. p.209).
Identified with Ward of Henry de Coventre, 1276 (ib. B. p.260).
In 1320 it was the second richest ward in the City, Dowgate being the richest, but in 1368 they had both given place in this respect to Cordwainer and Cheap Wards (Cal. L. Bk. E. p.197 and G. p.251).
In Stow's time it contained four parish churches: St. Martin Vintry; St. James Garlickhithe; St. Michael Paternoster Royal; St. Thomas Apostle.
Six Halls of Companies : Vintners' Hall ; Plumbers' Hall; Glasiers' Hall; Cutlers' Hall; Frewterers' Hall; Watermen's Hall. Also Tower Royal; Ipres Inn; and Gisors or Gerard's Hall.
There are now only two churches: St. James Garlickhithe, St. Michael Paternoster Royal.
One Hall: the Vintners' Hall. So called of Vintners and of the Vintrie (S. 240).
See Wards.