Historical Dictionary of London


George Inn: translation

1)West out of Grub Street to Three Leg Court, in Cripplegate Ward Without (Strype, ed. 1720-Lond. G. 1758).
The site is now occupied by the Metropolitan Railway lines.
2)On the north side of Snow Hill near Holborn Bridge, in Farringdon Ward Without (O. and M. 1677-Strype, 1755).
With a passage into Cow Lane (Hatton, 1708).
SeeGeorge Yard.
3)West out of Coleman Street in Coleman Street Ward (Rocque, 1746-1755).
The site is now occupied by offices and chambers.

  1. george innТрактир Георга старинный лондонский паб [public house] описанный Ч.Диккенсом [Charles Dickens ] в романе Крошка Доррит [Little Dorritt]...Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь Великобритания