Historical Dictionary of Israel


Progressive Party: translation

(Hamiflaga Haprogressivit)
Apolitical partyestablished in October 1948 by combining Haoved Hazioni, theAliyaHadasha, and the left wing of theGeneral Zionists. Its focus was on domestic social and related issues. Pinhas Rosen represented the party in government coalitions and served as minister of justice. In April 1961, the Progressive Party united with the GeneralZionistParty to form theLiberal Party. In 1965, the former General Zionists decided to establish a parliamentary bloc with theHerut Party. The former Progressives opposed this move, and many split from the Liberal Party to establish theIndependent Liberal Party.

  1. progressive partyпрогрессивная партия...Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь
  2. progressive partyполит. Прогрессивная партия название ряда политических партий в разных странах мира...Англо-русский словарь общей лексики
  3. progressive partyпрогрессивная партия...Англо-русский словарь политической терминологии