Historical Dictionary of Israel


Nazareth: translation

A town in northern Israel that was the home of Jesus Christ during his early youth. It is the principalArabcity in Israel and in 2005 had a population of some 65,000. Although traditionally dominated by Christian Arabs, the town has in recent years experienced a significant demographic shift, whereby in 2005 31.3 percent of the town's population were Christians and 68.7 percent were Muslims. The demographic shift has resulted in some tension between Christian and Muslim Arab communities, especially around control over traditional Christianreligioussites. In 1997, Christian plans to construct a paved plaza in front of the Basilica of the Annunciation to handle the expected thousands of Christian pilgrims caused Muslim protests and occupation of the proposed site, which is considered the grave of a nephew of Saladin.

  1. nazarethNazareth translation Nazareth The town of Galilee where the Blessed Virgin dwelt when the Archangel announced to her the Incarnation of the Word and where Christ lived u...Catholic encyclopedia
  2. nazarethNazareth bersetzung der Heimathsort unsers Heilandes zur Zeit des Reiches Juda eine bedeutende Stadt jetzt ein kleiner Flecken in einem kahlen Bergkessel gelegen mit Ew....Damen Conversations Lexikon
  3. nazarethNazareth translation Separated generally supposed to be the Greek form of the Hebrew netser a shoot or sprout. Some however think that the name of the city must be connec...Easton's Bible Dictionary
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