Historical Dictionary of Israel


(Gush Etzion)
A group of Jewishsettlementsin the hills ofJudeabetweenJerusalemandHebrontaken byJordanduring theWar of Independence(1948—49). The bloc included Kfar Etzion (the oldest of the settlements, founded in 1943), Massuot Yitzhak, Ein Tzurim, and Rvadim. After numerous attacks by the JordanianArabLegion and other Arabs, the Etzion Bloc fell on 14 May 1948. The area was recaptured by Israel during theSix-Day War(1967). Subsequently, settlements were reestablished in the area; many are considered hotbeds ofGush Emunimand other opponents of territorial compromise in negotiations with thePalestinians. The Etzion Bloc is generally considered a "consensus community" that will ultimately be incorporated by Israel in the context of a permanent peace agreement.
See alsoArab-Israeli Conflict.