Historical Dictionary of Israel


Director of Military Intelligence: translation

The DMI heads the Intelligence Branch (AMAN; acronym for Agaf Modiin) of theIsrael Defense Forces(IDF) general staff. Its function is to provide intelligence for the planning of Israel's defense policy and for war, and to provide intelligence to the IDF and to other government bodies, especially thecabinet. The first head of AMAN was Isar Beeri (1948-49). He was followed byChaim Herzog(1949-50 and 1959-62). Benjamin Gibli served from 1950 to 1955. Yehoshafat Harkabi held the post from 1955 to 1959. Subsequent DMIs include Meir Amit, 1962 to 1964; Aharon Yariv, 1964 to 1972; Eliahu Zeira, 1972 to 1974; Shlomo Gazit, 1974 to 1978; Yehoshua Saguy, 1978 to 1983;Ehud Barak, 1983 to 1985; Amnon Lipkin-Shahak, 1986 to 1991; Uri Saguy, 1991 to 1995; Moshe Ya'alon, 1995 to May 1998; Amos Malcha, May 1998 to 2001; Aharon "Farkash" Ze'evi, 2002 to 2005; Amos Yadlin 2006 to present.