Historical dictionary of German Theatre


(Emil Pirschan, 1884-1957)
Designer. Pirchan wasLeopoldJessner's most accomplished designer in the 1920s at theBerlinState Theater. He took the name of painter Emil Pirchan (1720-1778) when he embarked on his career as a stage designer. Among his most significant designs for Jessner wereRichard IIIin 1919 andWilhelm Tell(William Tell) in 1923, both withFritz Kort-nerin the title role. Pirchan later worked at theBurgtheaterinViennaand became a professor at the Art Academy in Vienna, where he taught numerous courses on stage design. He is also the author of several books, the best of which is a treatment of the Viennese soubrette Marie Geistinger, published in 1947.