Historical dictionary of German Theatre


Klabund: translation

(Alfred Henschke, 1890-1928)
Playwright. Klabund is best known for his novels, but his dramatic adaptation from the Chinese ofDer Kreidekreis(The Chalk Circle, 1925) was the basis ofBertoltBrecht'sDerkaukasische Kreidekreis(The Caucasian Chalk Circle). In 1918 Klabund had begun translating poetry from Chinese and Japanese into German;The Chalk Circlewas extremely popular after its premiere in Meissen. It was a fairy tale in dramatic form written forElisabeth Bergner, though it contains some representation of a corrupt officialdom that Brecht likewise employed. Klabund wrote several other plays, none of them successful.

  1. klabundKlabund bersetzungpatronymische Bildungen litauischen Ursprungs zu einer verkrzten Form von Nikolaus. Unter dem Pseudonym Klabund verffentlichte der deutsche Schriftstell...Wörterbuch der deutschen familiennamen