Historical dictionary of German Theatre


Actor. Dahlke studied theater history at Humboldt University inBerlinbefore taking acting lessons atMaxReinhardt's school, beginning in 1927. He then began performing in boulevard comedies in Berlin, becoming an audience favorite as the young man frequently falling in and out of love.Heinz Hilpertbegan casting him in serious parts at the Volksbühne and later at theDeutsches Theater, and throughout the Third Reich, he remained with Hilpert, becoming one of the director's favorite young character actors. After the war, Dahlke worked for three years withErich EngelinMunichat the Kammerspiele, and in the early 1950s he became one of Germany's most familiar German generals, playing the title role in numerous productions ofCarlZuckmayer'sDes Teufels General(The Devil's General). In the late 1970s, Dahlke began receiving numerous awards for his work, culminating in the Federal Service Cross in 1979.