Historical dictionary of German Theatre


Playwright. Billinger was one of the most frequently performed of the playwrights whom the National Socialists favored as a proponent of their "blood and soil" ethos. His most ironic success came in 1932 when he won the Kleist Prize, an accolade the Nazis had consistently condemned and immediately terminated when they came to power. Billinger's plays sometimes became the basis of films which the Nazi party supported and promoted; notable among them wereDie Hexe von Passau(The Witch of Passau) andDie goldene Stadt(The Golden City), the latter based on Billinger's playThe Giant.

  1. billinger richardБиллингер Рихард писатель и поэт основная тема жизнь крестьян его родных мест Верхняя Австрия в произведениях нашли отражение его мистические и религиозные взгляды Над п...Австрия. Лингвострановедческий словарь