Historical Dictionary of French Cinema


SCAGL was thefilm d'artdivision launched byPathéin about 1908. Pathé had been one of the financial backers ofStudio film d'artbut had launched its own rival, affiliate company, SCAGL, which was intended solely to produce films d'art in order to lure a more elite crowd to the cinema. Prior to that time, cinema had been regarded as a purely popular medium and Pathé, sensing market potential, sought to raise cinema's status. The company mostly went on to produce film adaptations of French literary classics, many of them directed byAlbert Capellani. In 1910, as a result of the success of the SCAGL films, Pathé also directly launched an art series, released under the Pathé name. Films by theatrical directorCamille de Morhlonas well as actor turned directorHenri Andréaniwere featured in this series.

  1. société cinématographique des auteurs et des gens de lettresSCAGL was the film dart division launched by Pathstrong in about . Path had been one of the financial backers of Studio film dart but had launched its own rival affiliate...Guide to cinema