Historical Dictionary of French Cinema


Moussinac Prize
The Prix-Léon Moussinac is the critics' prize for the best foreign film of the year. Established in 1967, the award is named for theoristLéon Moussinac. Past winners include Roman Polanski'sRosemary's Baby(1969), Federico Fellini'sFellini-Roma(1972), David Lynch'sElephant Man(1981), Ingmar Bergman'sFanny and Alexander(1983), Wim Wenders'sParis,Texas(1984), Mike Leigh'sSecrets and Lies(1996), and Roberto Benigni'sLife is Beautiful(1998).

  1. prix léonmoussinacMoussinac Prize The PrixLon Moussinac is the critics prize for the best foreign film of the year. Established in the award is named for theorist Lon Moussinacstrong. Pas...Guide to cinema