Historical Dictionary of Brussels


A journalist and essayist, who wrote under the name of Jef Lawaait,French-language author Louis Quiévreux penned works about Brussels that chronicled events in the city's daily life. Born inMolenbeek-Saint-Jean, Quiévreux was a prolific writer of stories. His works includedMes milles et un Bruxelles(My thousand and one Brussels [1961]), a collection of tales that entail a picturesque and oftentimes amusing look at the city's residents. The inhabitants of theMarolles, whose dialect Quiévreux learned, occupy a central place in the stories. He penned a daily article inLa Lanterneentitled "Un jour qui passe" An ardent urban preservationist—he sought unsuccessfully to save theMont des Artsfrom redevelopment—Quiévreux was a leader in efforts to protect and restore theÎlot Sacré, a term that he coined. He died on 21 October 1969.