Historical Dictionary of Brussels


Gédéon Bordiau was born in Neufvilles, in the province of Hainault, on 2 February 1832. He enrolled at theAcadémie royale des Beaux-Artsin 1847 and, at 22, was apprenticed toJoseph Poelaert. In 1870 he submitted a draft plan for embellishment of the northeast districts of the city and was appointed byBurgomaster Jules Anspachto carry out the scheme. This area would become the district called quartier desSquares. An eclectic architect, Bordiau counted among his projects the HotelMétropole, the exhibition halls in the Parc duCinquantenaire, and several exhibition halls for theWorld's Fairs of 1888and1897. Bordiau died in Brussels on 23 January 1904.
See alsoArchitecture.