Guide to cinema


(1907-1988) andStefan Themerson(1910-1988)
Experimental filmmakers, promotors of avant-garde cinema, writers, and publishers. The Themersons created seven experimental films between 1930 and 1945, of which only three survive—The Adventure of a Good Citizen(Przygoda człowieka poczciwego, 1937), made in Poland, and two films produced in England:Calling Mr. Smith(1943) andThe Eye and the Ear(1945). Their first films,The Pharmacy(Apteka, 1930) andEurope(Europa, 1932), which consisted of photomontages or "photograms in motion" (their term), set the tone for their future works. Their best-known work,Calling Mr. Smith, was intended as anti-Fascist propaganda. In 1937 they left for Paris and in 1940, for London. From 1948 to 1979, the Themersons ran the Gaberbocchus Press in London. They influenced future generations of animated and avant-garde filmmakers in Poland.
See alsoAnimation.
Historical Dictionary of Polish Cinema by Marek Haltof