Guide to cinema


Lawyer, politician, and scriptwriter whose name is closely linked withKrzysztof Kieślowski. As a respected defense lawyer known for his involvement in several high-profile political cases since 1982, Piesiewicz offered his firsthand knowledge about the mechanisms and abuses of law in post-1981 Poland for Kieslowski'sNo End(1985). Later, he also coscripted Kieslowski's other films:Decalogue(1988),A Short Film about Killing(1988),A Short Film about Love(1988),The Double Life of Veronique(1991), and theThree Colors Trilogy(1993-1994). Before his death, Kieślowski was embarking on a new trilogy of films with Piesiewicz. They wrote the first part,Heaven(2002, Tom Tykwer), together; the next two parts,L'Enfer(2006, Danis Tanovic) andHope(in production) were written by Piesiewicz after the director's death. Piesiewicz also collaborated with directorMichał Rosa, which resulted in the production ofSilence(Cisza, 2001), a film well received by the judges at the 2001Festival of Polish Filmsin Gdynia.
Historical Dictionary of Polish Cinema by Marek Haltof