Guide to cinema


(1973- )
Eduardo Noriega's handsome looks have been central to his personality as a performer. ForTesis(Dissertation, 1996), his debut in a substantial part, Alejandro Amenábar needed an actor who could convey both charm and a sense of threat, and who could justify the character's womanizing and the sexual jealousy he elicits in Fele Martínez's video freak. Physical beauty was also central toAbre los ojos(Open Your Eyes, 1997), his second film with Amenábar, in which he played "the guy who has it all" and suffered stern punishment for it. He has played a variety of roles, but his strength lies in his portrayal of action men, as inPlata quemada(Burnt Money, Marcelo Piñeyro, 2000),Nadie conoce a nadie(No One Knows No One, Mateo Gil, 1999),El lobo(Wolf, Miguel Courtois, 2004), and the Hollywood thrillerVantage Point(Pete Travis, 2008). As he enters maturity, he has become effective in roles defining the sleek, self-possessed, cold executive of films likeEl método(The Method, Marcelo Piñeyro, 2005) and the same type's costume drama version inAlatriste(Agustín Díaz Yanes, 2006). He has been nominated for theGoyastwice, forAbre los ojosandEl lobo, in which he played a police mole who infiltrated the ETA terrorist group.
Historical Dictionary of Spanish Cinema by Alberto Mira

  1. noriega, eduardoor rather stolid leading man of the late s and s after a decade of extra roles and bit parts who later moved into avuncular character roles where he continues today pr...Biographical Dictionary of Mexican Film Performers
  2. noriega, eduardoEduardo Noriegas handsome looks have been central to his personality as a performer. For Tesisem Dissertationem his debut in a substantial part Alejandro Amenbar needed ...Historical dictionary of Spanish cinema