Glossary of Bankruptcy


lender liability: translation

lender liability
A body of law which includes liability for breach of contract and other wrongs where banks and other lenders may be made to pay damages to customers.
A bank that terminates a long standing credit relationship without warning, where no default exists, may be held liable for damages. (Bernstein's Dictionary of Bankruptcy Terminology)

United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms2012.

lender liability
A body of law which includes liability for breach of contract and other wrongs where banks and other lenders may be made to pay damages to customers.A bank that terminates a long standing credit relationship without warning, where no default exists, may be held liable for damages.

US Bankruptcy2012.

  1. lender liabilitylender liability translation An informal term referring to various manifestations of actual or potential legal liability arising from the conduct of a financial instituti...Financial and business terms
  2. lender liabilityфин. юр. ответственность кредитора обязанность кредитора компенсировать ущерб прямо или косвенно причиненный им заемщику напр. в случае если заемщик докажет что кредитор ...Англо-русский экономический словарь
  3. lender liabilityвдповдальнсть кредитора яка виника у випадку збиткв яких зазнав позикодавець в результат дй кредитора...Англо-украинский бизнес словарь