First names dictionary


Tatiana: translation

Russian: of early Christian origin. This was the name of various early saints honoured particularly in theEastern Church. In origin it is a feminine form ofLatinTatiānus, apparently a derivative ofTatius, a Roman family name of obscure origin. Titus Tatius was, according to tradition, a king of the Sabines who later shared with Romulus the rule over a united population of Sabines and Latins.
Pet form:Tanya.

  1. tatianaTatiana bersetzunglateinischer Urprung Bedeutung angelehnt an den Sabinerknig Tatius. In den russischen Formen Tatjana und vor allem Tanja auch in Deutschland verbreitet ...Deutsch namen
  2. tatianan ж. мя Татана....Англо-український словник Балла М.І.