First names dictionary


Parthenope: translation

Name borne in classical mythology by one of the Sirens, who drowned herself in frustration when Odysseus managed to avoid her lures by having himself tied to the mast and ordering his companions to block their ears with wax. Her name seems to be a derivative ofGreekparthenosmaiden (an epithet of Athena) +ōpsface, form. This name was borne by a sister of Florence Nightingale who was born at Naples, where the body of the Siren is said to have been washed ashore.

  1. parthenopeParthenope bersetzung es Gri. Tab. XIX. des Stymphalus Tochter mit welcher Herkules den Everes zeugete. Apollod. l. II. c. . . ult...Grundliches mythologisches Lexikon
  2. parthenopef греч. миф. Парфенона одна из сирен поэт. название Неаполя...Большой немецко-русский и русско-немецкий словарь
  3. parthenopeParthenop s f. одна из сирен которая после отъезда Одиссея бросилась в море там где впоследствии был построен город Партенопея нын. Неаполь V O древнее название Неаполя ...Латинско-русский словарь