First names dictionary


Imre: translation

Hungarianform of theGermanicnameEmericorEmmerich. This seems to be a byform ofHENRY(SEE Henry), but it has possibly also absorbed a rarer name composed of the elementsamalwork +rīcrule. St Emeric (1007–31) was the son and heir of St Stephen ofHungary. In spite of his comparatively short life, he was canonized together with his father in 1063.

  1. imreImre bersetzungungarische Form von Emmerich Bedeutungszusammensetzung aus tapfer und Herrscher. In Deutschland nur selten anzutreffen. Namenstrger Imre Kertsz ungarische...Deutsch namen
  2. imre[\Imret \Imreja] аммерих magyar Имре...Венгерско-русский словарь
  3. imre[\Imret \Imreja] аммерих magyar Имре...Венгерско-русский словарь
  4. fimreet et идти двигаться ощупью нащупывать искать ощупью...Норвежско-русский словарь