First names dictionary


Caradoc: translation

Welsh: respelling ofCaradog. This represents an ancientCelticname apparently derived from the rootcārlove. A form of this name was borne by theBritishchieftain recorded under theLatinizedversionCaratacus, son of Cuno-belinos. He rebelled against Roman rule in the 1st century AD, and although the rebellion was swiftly put down he is recorded by the Roman historian Tacitus as having impressed the Emperor Claudius by his proud bearing in captivity.

  1. caradocCaradoc bersetzung Caradoc das s emCaradoucium [nach dem Ort Caradoc England\] Geologie emeine Stufe des Ordoviziums...Universal-Lexicon
  2. caradocкарадоккарадокский веккарадокский ярус...Немецко-русский геологический словарь