Financial and business terms


zero-balance account: translation

zero-balance account ( ZBA)
A cash management service offered by banks. A bank checking account that can accept deposits and/or make disbursements but that is always maintained at a zero balance. The zero balance is maintained by transferring just enough funds from or to a concentration account to offset each day's activity.
Theconcentration accountis sometimes called the parent account and thezero-balance accountis sometimes called the daughter account or subsidiary account.American Banker Glossary
( ZBA)
A checking account in which zero balance is maintained by transfers of funds from a master account in an amount only large enough to cover checks presented.Bloomberg Financial Dictionary

  1. zerobalance accountсокр. ZBA банк. фин. счет с нулевым остатком [балансом\] счет на котором поддерживается нулевой остаток предназначен только для осуществления платежей поступления от конт...Англо-русский экономический словарь