Financial and business terms


Z bond: translation

Also known as an accrual bond or accretion bond; a bond on which interest accretes interest but is not paid currently to the i nvestor but rather is accrued, with accrual added to the principal balance of the Z and becoming payable upon satisfaction of all prior bond classes.The New York Times Financial Glossary
SeeZ tranche.American Banker Glossary
A bond on which interest accrues but is not currently paid to the investor but rather is added to the principal balance of the Z bond and becoming payable upon satisfaction of all prior bond classes.Bloomberg Financial Dictionary

  1. z bondОблигация ЗетТакже называется accrual bond облигация накопления или accretion bond облигация прироста. Облигация по которой процент начисляется на процент однако в данный...Англо-русский экономический словарь