Financial and business terms


vacancy rate: translation

vacancy rateUKUSnoun[C]
PROPERTYthe number of private or business properties that are available in a particular area for sale or rent, usually expressed as a percentage of the total:»

The vacancy rate for office space in the capital is currently 12%.

HR,WORKPLACEthe number of jobs that are available in an organization, industry, etc. at a particular time:»

The sector maintained a 10% job vacancy rate through the year.

  1. vacancy rateVacancy Rate translationThe vacancy rate is a numerical value calculated as the percentage of all available units in a rental property such as a hotel or apartment comple...Investment dictionary
  2. vacancy rateПроцент пустующих квартир доля несданных квартир...Англо-русский словарь по экономике
  3. vacancy rateуровень незанятости процент свободных незанятых неарендованных номеров квартир домов площадей от общего количества absorption rateoccupancy level....Англо-русский экономический словарь