Financial and business terms


Qualified Terminable Interest Property Trust: translation

( Q-TIP)
A trust that allows a surviving spouse to receive income generated from the trust, while the actual distribution of the trust's assets is made to other beneficiaries such as the grantor's children.Bloomberg Financial Dictionary

  1. qualified terminable interest property trustqualified terminable interest property trust bersetzung qualified terminable interest property trust QTIP trust Trust durch den der berlebende Ehegatte das Trusteigentum...Englisch-Deutsch Worterbuch gesetz
  2. qualified terminable interest property trustQtip qualified terminable interest property trustквалифицированный пожизненный имущественный траст разновидность попечительского фонда создаваемого для пожизненных выплат...Англо-русский экономический словарь